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Prezi 4 mechanics 4
1. Prezi animation model 4 isaboutMechanics2. Topic chosen is Motion in 2D which consists of 7subtopics:a) Position and displacementb) Average Velocity and Instantaneous Velocityc) Average Acceleration and Instantaneous Accelerationd) Projectile Motione) Uniform Circular Motionf) Relative motion in 1 Dimensiong) Relative motion in 2 DimensionThese subtopics are constructed in a mind mapping concept inprezisoftware.Despite animation which created by using flash 8 software tothecorrespond topics are imported in the prezi presentation.3. Power point presentation is also provided.4. Question bank for these topics together with answer schemeisalso available.
Prezi 1 magnetic field 6
1.Prezi animation model 1 is about electricandmagnet.2 Topic chosen is magnetic field which consist of 8subtopics:a)magnetic field on a particleb)solenoid and magnetic field linec)discovery of electrond)cross field effecte)a circulating charge particlef)cyclotron and synchrotrong)magnetic force on a current carrying wireh)torque on a current loopThese subtopics are constructed in a mind mapping concept inprezisoftware.Despite animation which created by using flash 8 software tothecorrespond topics are imported in the prezi presentation.3. Power point presentation is also provided.4. Question bank for these topics together with answer schemeisalso available.
Prezi 3 sound wave 3
1. Prezi animation model 3 is aboutWave.2. Topic chosen is Sound Wave which consist of 8 subtopics:a)Speed of Sound Waveb)Travelling Sound Wavec)Interferenced)Sound Intensitye)Beatf)Sources of Musical Soundg)The Doopler Effecth)Supersonic Shock WaveThese subtopics are constructed in a mind mapping concept inprezisoftware.Despite animation which created by using flash 8 software tothecorrespond topics are imported in the prezi presentation.3. Power point presentation is also provided.4. Question bank for these topics together with answer schemeisalso available.
Prezi 2 kinetic theory gases 8
1. Prezi animation model 2 isaboutThermodynamics.2. Topic chosen is The Kinetic Theory of Gases whichconsistof8 subtopics:a)Avogadro numberb)Ideal Gasesc)Pressure, Temperature and rms Speedd)Mean Free Pathe)Distribution of Molecular Speedf)The Molar Specific Heatg)Degrees of Freedomh)Adiabatic processThese subtopics are constructed in a mind mapping concept inprezisoftware.Despite animation which created by using flash 8 software tothecorrespond topics are imported in the prezi presentation.3. Power point presentation is also provided.4. Question bank for these topics together with answer schemeisalso available.5.Journal published in www.ijern.com is also attachedforreference.